Codeshare flights:

A codeshare agreement is where two or more airlines use the same flight number in a mutually beneficial agreement. This means that passengers can purchase a flight from one airline using their flight number for a flight on another airline. For example, you can purchase a seat on a plane under one airline, but it will actually be a seat on the plane of a different airline, which share the same flight number or code.

Interlink Flights:

An interline agreement, also known as interlining, interline ticketing or interline booking, is an agreement between two or more airlines to handle passengers when their itinerary involves travelling on multiple airlines. This means they agree to handle their baggage until their final destination, and check-in for their destination. A codeshare flight is different from an interline flight because a codeshare flight is the whole flight, whereas an interline is one flight within a wider itinerary.

Currently, interlink or codeshare flights are NOT counted as eligible spends for earning NeuCoins.

Number of flights shall be calculated as below:

1. One Way (e.g. BOM- BLR): 1 flight 

2. Round Trip (e.g. BOM- BLR- BOM): 2 flights 

3. Connecting flight (e.g. BOM-BLR-MAA): 1 flight